In this case, I use the Stepfunctions as my API endpoint.
There are 2 lambdas need to be run base one the first lambda’s return code in the stepfunctions.
All the 3 lambdas need to get the http request body data from statemachine’s state input.
So, I considered if anything can save the state input at first, then the other lambda can use it as inputPath,
actually, no thus solution after read aws document about stepfunction.
But I found another way can pass the state input through the lambda one by one.
my case Link to heading
my solution Link to heading
- use
to include the state input with result at the first lambda.
- use
to pass all the result to next lambda.
use this solution, the state input will be pass through the lambda one by one.
If you want to get a part of result to next state lambda, you can also use the Parameters
or InputPath
to select the neccessary input.
all statemachine code Link to heading
Reference Link to heading
You can find more information on Input and Output Processing in Step Functions.